The traditional finite element method ( FEM) involves constructing mesh by hand, and the computation is complex when the analysis relates to seepage with free surface. 运用传统的有限元方法求解渗流问题时,需要人为进行网格划分等前处理工作。
On the other hand, the amount of computation is fewer since the gradient matrix only needs to be computed once in each iteration. 另一方面,算法的每步迭代只计算一次共轭投影矩阵,避免了求解二次规划或求两个投影矩阵,因而算法在计算量上有所改进。
On the other hand, the stability and precision of numerical computation are the chief concerned matters in single kinetic issues, which undoubtedly reduce the computation speed. 另一方面,纯力学问题中数值计算的稳定性和精度是首要问题,这无疑会影响到算法的效率。
On the other hand, the extrapolation and precise integration method is helpful for decreasing computation time and improving calculating precision, and it make the selection of time step for integration self-adaptive. 另外,精细时程积分方法和外推法的引入不但有助于提高求解速度和数值结果的精度,而且使时间积分步长的选取具有了自适应性。
On the other hand the geometric information and topological information are operated separately in favor of the graphic description, computation of geometric property and high definition visualization effectively. 另一方面,该数据模型将地下空间的几何信息和拓扑信息分开存储,有利于图形描述、几何特性计算和图形的高分辨率显示。
On the one hand, by introducing input amplitude decaying aggregation strategy, the number of optimization variables at every time is greatly reduced so that the on-line computation is simplified. 一方面,通过引入输入幅值衰减集结策略,使得各时刻优化的变量数大大减少,简化了在线计算;
This method is adaptable either to hand computation or to be calculated by computers with the help of propagating matrix. 也可以与传播矩阵法相结合,用于电算。
On one hand, the vast parallelism inherent in DNA computation brings new challenges to modern cryptography, which is based on hard mathematic problems. 一方面,DNA计算固有的超大规模并行性给安全性依赖于数学困难问题的现代密码学带来了新的挑战。
Therefore, school should build accountant simulation practice room of "management model", combine hand audit with computation accountant practice, arrange accountant simulation practice time and learning time scientifically and rationally, etc. 为此,应建立管理型会计模拟实习室,将手工核算与电算化会计实习结合起来,科学、合理地安排会计模拟实习时间及学时,加强实习教学的考评。
It has important significance in critical and subcritical experiment research. On the one hand, it can make theoretical estimate for experiment assembly in advance. On the other hand, it can compare with experimental value and check up the theoretical computation method and nuclear data. 它在临界及次临界实验研究中有着重要意义,一方面可以对实验装置的设计作理论预估,另一方面可以与实验测量值进行比对,检验理论计算方法和核数据。
So, more and more distributed applications adopt redundant servers: on one hand, the system availability could be improved through adding the redundancy of data and computation; 为此,许多分布式应用采用了冗余服务技术:一方面,通过增加数据和计算的冗余度,提高了系统的可用性;
Comparing with the conventional harmonic method based on the classical control theory, the TEAM needs no complicated derivation and is easy for hand computation and programming. 与传统的基于经典控制理论的谐波法相比,避免了复杂的数学推导,易于手算和计算机实现。
On the other hand, the computation complexity of this algorithm is low. 同时,该算法在求解时的计算复杂度也较低。
Aiming to different states of the dexterous hand, different force computation models are adopted. 针对灵巧手抓取虚拟物体的不同状态,采用不同的计算方法对灵巧手各手指的受力进行计算。
Currently the main programming method of the CNC pipe-cutting machine is calculating by hand, and it requires the computation of some parameters. 目前圆管切割机的编程方式以手工为主,需要人工计算出各个参数。
The other hand, all password protection technology continues developing, mainly the one-way hash algorithms 'complexity increasing, leads to a large computation and difficulty of the search. 另一方面,各种口令保护技术的不断发展,主要是其中的单向散列算法复杂度越来越高,搜索的难度和计算量在不断加大。
On the other hand, techniques of quantum information based on the principle of quantum mechanics need single-photon sources to realize quantum cryptography and quantum computation. 另一方面,基于量子力学原理的量子信息技术也需要利用单光子源来实现量子保密通信和量子计算。
In one hand, after deep research in this technology, the paper improved two key sides ( estimation of instantaneous frequency and computation of order resampling time); the modified algorithms improved computational accuracy. 一方面对该技术进行了深入研究,对其中的两个关键技术(瞬时频率的估计和阶比重采样时刻的计算)进行了改进,改进后的算法通过一系列措施提高了计算精度。
To improve the efficiency of computation, multi-objective genetic algorithm is used because of its feature of parallel calculation. On the other hand, the crossover and mutation operation of the original algorithm are also improved to make the computation more efficient. 2. 为了提高计算效率,文中采用了具有并行计算特性的多目标遗传算法,同时改进了原算法中的交叉运算和变异运算,使得计算效率有了进一步的提升。
On one hand, limited resources of vehicle terminal, including computation, storage, and radio spectrum bandwidth, result in inefficient data processing capability. It is difficult for an individual vehicle to support in-vehicle multimedia entertainment, vehicular social networking, and location-based services. 一方面,车辆终端因其有限的资源,包括计算资源、存储资源和带宽资源,导致低效的数据处理能力,难以支持车载多媒体应用、车载社交网络和基于位置的服务。
On the one hand, this method improves precision of maps. On the other hand, it also reduces the computation of data association because of the reduced number of grids. 该方法一方面提高了地图的精度,另一方面,由于栅格的减少,相关量的计算大大降低,因而提高了地图创建的实时性。
However, traditional testing methods and fault diagnosis theories can not meet the actual requirement duo to the difficulties inherent in analog and mixed-signal circuits. On the other hand, some computation intelligence technologies and modern test technologies have come forth in recent years. 但由于模拟和混合电路本身的复杂性,使得传统的数字电路测试方法在模拟和混合信号电路测试及故障诊断中的应用前景和人们的期望相差甚远。